Most people coming to Dr. Liz for Coaching and Mentoring want to learn how to enter the Oneness, the Vibration of All That Is.  They want to learn how to hear their Intuition, to hear the messages of Nature, and particularly to hear the Voices of the Animals.  Many do not yet understand the energetics of the sacred Tree of Life.  All want to have themselves empowered and validated.

Fortunately, anyone speaking with Dr. Liz, is going to elevate simply by virtue of the principle of entrainment.

Dr. Liz takes a spiritual perspective for everything. She believes strongly that for you to move forward with your life goals, whatever they may be, it is most beneficial that your whole body, mind, and spirit evolve. She believes it is of ultimate importance that for persons to understand and recognize the Oneness, they must do processes, meditations and movement arts designed to establish, deepen and sustain their connection to the Oneness. This then opens the flow of intuition.  She has an enormous resource of very powerful spiritual tools to help you.  She has a complete program that will meet you wherever you are and take you in the direction of wherever you want to be.

Originally Dr. Liz offered coaching sessions to those wishing to be animal communicators or energy healers.  She has a complete program in this area.  This has evolved into those already in the field, who wish to advance their skills and abilities in certain areas.

This, too, has evolved. Now, persons interested in a variety of paths seek her out, wishing to have her listen deeply to them to help them discern best moves and actions.

Dr. Liz is keenly intuitive, vibrant, and motivating as a Coach & Mentor. She quickly discerns the energetics of your situation and helps facilitate the manifesting of your career or personal goals. Dr. Liz has noticed that sometimes persons only need one deep session to get completely on his/her way for many months.

A former Fortune 300 Executive, Dr. Liz has founded or co-founded nine companies, organizations, and associations. Some comprise highly divergent personalities speaking multiple languages from multiple countries and cultures.  For more information on her extensive background, see All About Elizabeth in Resources.